Thursday, June 26, 2014

Road Map for Restructuring Schools


Those involved in support of Common Core, like the retired Generals and Admirals (see this blogpost), should take a look at the following 1990 article from Education Week, especially noting the groups involved in the restructuring of our nation to a communist planned economy, using tax funded private education/school "choice," and other questionable programs, etc. to do so.  They have secretly been implementing this agenda for over one hundred years.  Our recent call for the resumption of the 1953 Congressional Investigation of the Tax Exempt Foundations is 100% justified... the sooner the better. I have bolded the most egregious recommendations:

See my book the deliberate dumbing down of america, pages 270-271 about the ECA's "road map for restructuring schools." The Education Commission of the States (Carnegie funded, ed) and the National Governors Association (Carnegie funded, ed.) Restructuring Workshops were supported by grants from the American Express Foundation, ARCO Foundation, BellSouth Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Control Data Corporation and The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

The retired military supporting Common Core, who think it just sprouted up from the local level and has no connection with the Carnegie Department of Education (thank you, Dr. Dennis Cuddy, for your fine research) may wish to do some research regarding the role of the Carnegie Corporation of New York in the funding and creation of the Education Commission of the States and in the creation and funding of the National Governors Association in 1908. 

IN 1990 THE MARCH 28, 1990 ISSUE OF EDUCATION WEEK RE-PUBLISHED “A ROAD MAP FOR REstructuring Schools,” a one-page list of principles of restructuring and steps for policy makers to use. Developed by the Education Commission of the States (ECS) and the National Governors’ Association (NGA) and signed by Jane Armstrong, director of policy studies for ECS, this “Road Map” was a result of two regional workshops to discuss strategies for redesigning state education systems to meet national performance goals. Excerpts follow:

PRINCIPLES OF RESTRUCTURING... Restructuring requires risk-taking and experimentation in order to transform schools into dynamic, self-renewing organizations....
STEPS FOR POLICY MAKERS TO TAKE... Develop a specific and demanding statement
of what basic skills, thinking skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors you want all students to have when they complete school….

• Student outcomes should meet employability criteria suggested by business and industry.
• Build a coalition of business, community, education and political leaders… to bring external pressure on the education system for productive change.
• Sell the agenda to policy makers and the public.
• Identify and train spokespersons to advocate system restructuring.
• Get business and political leaders to carry the restructuring banner.
• Provide flexibility, encourage experimentation and decentralize decision making.
• Use incentives to encourage risk taking and experimentation.
• Decentralize authority by encouraging site-based management.
• Redesign teacher and administrator education.
Redesign teacher education to model instruction for an active learning classroom.
• Develop programs that focus on content knowledge and new forms of pedagogy.
• Link schools with universities and other sources of information to help teachers expand their knowledge of teaching and learning.
• Strengthen the clinical experience by placing teacher candidates in schools that are restructuring.
• Provide time for teacher renewal, collaboration and the acquisition of new skills, understandings and attitudes.
Provide incentives for teachers to receive national board certification.
• Develop multiple ways to measure progress to avoid “high stakes” testing and teaching to a single test.
• Develop “outcomes-based” accreditation procedures.
• Provide rewards for high-achieving schools and sanctions for low-achieving schools.
• Create programs that engage students in community service.
Collaborate with other social service agencies to fully serve the needs of all children.
• Encourage parental involvement.
• Create public school choice plans.
• Provide incentives to reward accomplishments.
• Align and revise state policies to support restructuring.
• Develop business/education partnerships. Use technology to explore new ways to deliver instruction… not as an “add-on” to the traditional lecture, recite, test method of instruction.
• Be prepared to handle policy decisions on jurisdiction over distance learning; i.e., teacher certification, textbook and curriculum approval.
The ECS/NGA Restructuring Workshops were supported by grants from the American Express
Foundation, ARCO Foundation, BellSouth Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York,
Control Data Corporation and The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.