A Back to School Warning to Parents
By Cherilyn Eagar On Aug 19, 2015
Looking for solutions? Here is a list of do’s and don’ts and especially some warnings. It comes from years of experience as a mother who tried every possible form of education to fit my individual children’s unique needs. Regardless of the state in which you live, the challenges are nationally driven and similar.
My decades of research have brought me to a place where I can confidently say that public school is dangerous to both your and your child’s health. It needs to carry the same disclaimer as a cigarette pack.
That sounds dramatic, right?
Lamar Alexanders Community Ed Bill
Right now the community ed bill S 1787 is set to bring this model to every state, including Utah – under Lamar Alexander’s leadership in the US Senate. (Early Childhood Ed is key to all of it.)
But if you think this is all great stuff, you, my friend, even though you think you are a conservative Republican and you LOVE LOVE LOVE charter schools (government welfare subsidzied private schools without accountability to local taxpayers – loss of representative republican form of government) – are a marxist. A socialist. A communist at heart. (I warned you this content was hard core.)
As the government-funded school became more controlled from the top down (state or federal), more testing, accounting and tracking became necessary. But it was not the testing of academic (cognitive) learning. It was the testing of attitudes and values (affective), very subtly integrated into a multi-disciplinary curriculum in classrooms that functioned around affirmative action and reverse discrimination policies. That began under Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty – with the first national attitudes test, the NAEP.
Fast forward to the education agreements between the US and the USSR in the mid-1980s which clinched it – under Reagan, the US agreed to adopt the Soviet system. This is not a joke. One could legitimately say that the bureaucracy in DC is so huge, that Reagan completely delegated all policies to his cabinet, and perhaps he truly thought that the US-USSR education exchange would turn out that the US would be informing the USSR. Alas, the opposite happened.
Utah’s testing director Don Thomas even invited me to go to the USSR with him to observe how well it was done. I should have taken him up on his offer.
Using operant conditioning, another hallmark of soviet psychology to control the people and developed by B.H. Skinner, is now implemented through computer adaptive testing. Today’s classroom has become the propaganda tool for turning the student against the parochial views of their parents as well as training them to be good little communists all through tests that alter until the right answers are given. Attitudinal and values answers. Whose attitudes and values? That is the question.
In the 1990s, I attended teacher training in Utah’s Granite School District, where it all began under soviet-loving Don Thomas. I was taught that in the classroom, there are just too many Indian chiefs and not enough Indians. (And I naively thought I sent my children to school to become tomorrow’s leaders. Not so.) Cooperative, group learning. The group was IN. The individual was OUT. You must have that mentality in a socialist society. This is the school district where it all began.
The classroom under today’s title – “common core” – has become a manipulative cesspool of redistribution of the brain. We must lower the basketball standard so that all can shoot the basket. Standards drive the curriculum and the tests.
Watch your legislature. These mostly incompetent but well-meaning individuals will pass more and more socialist laws over education and the workforce as each year goes by and they will run for office as a “conservative” because they could not identify socialism or communism if they saw it. They are not fit for the office they hold.
My final word of advice: Vote them OUT.
Blessings to all the good parents out there who want the best education for their children. Be prayerful. Your children are YOUR stewardship, no one else’s.
End of rant.
Charlotte note:
Abolish all 50 state departments of education which are THE threat to our freedoms...closer to home.
Do not respond to neoconservative organizations' appeals for donations to abolish the U.S. Dept. of Education since it is in the process of becoming a clawless tiger. Their calls are 30 yrs too late. Their effort is just a diversion from what blog calling for: getting rid of state depts. of education (major problem). Its claws have been/are being transferred into all 50 state departments of education (mini U.S. Depts. of Education) which are closer to you and your children...on your doorstep, especially through lifelong community education programs!!! Text - S.1787 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Full-Service Community Schools Act of 2015 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress Like having Moscow on your doorstep. Ask Carnegie's Marc Tucker. He knows better. Governing American Education
I propose to greatly strengthen the role of the state education agencies in education governance, at the expense of “local control,” and of the federal government. In this plan, school funding would be the responsibility of the state, not the locality, and the distribution of state funds for schools would have nothing to do with the distribution of local property wealth.