Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Progressive Education vs. Traditional Education

Berit Kjos, highly respected researcher and author of many articles related to the transformation of our society from  Christian-oriented to occult/New Age/UN Agenda 21- oriented, has in this fascinating report (below) on the roots of socialist education, provided the reader with a fascinating and comprehensive explanation of the who, what, how, why, where and when related to such transformation, perpetrated mainly through the tax-supported public schools.  She rightly lays the blame at the feet of the National Education Association, and in doing so exposes the involvement of some very well known individuals and tax-exempt foundations.

As one travels down the road of our nation's destruction, using the schools and universities to serve as major bulldozers, be sure to remember that  major hard-Left education change agents and tax-exempt foundations support tax-funded private education and school choice with  their unelected school boards. This may come as somewhat of a surprise to those Americans supporting tax-funded school choice, who believe the tax-funded school choice agenda comes from the conservative wing of the Republican Party.  It doesn't.

In this regard, please listen to the following interview:
Start listening at 33.03
This radio interview is also archived HERE.

There is important research in this interview regarding school choice/charters coming from the Left.   I obtained the original 1981 proposal for funding from  the U.S. Dept. of Education when it came across my desk at the time, on John Dewey Society letterhead listing leading leftist American education change agents John Goodlad, the late Ralph Tyler, [considered to be "father of the National Assessment of Educational Progress" (NAEP), upon which the Common Core is modeled,  etc., promoting tax-funded school choice and charters. This promotion came from the hard Left which knew "it" couldn't get the average homeschool Mom or average public school Dad to accept it from "them." So the Left got the neoconservatives to promote it. Disgusting? You bet! Surprise? No!

Marjorie Ledell, a leading change agent educator, close to William Spady and others, said in an article in the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development’s (NEA spinoff) Educational Leadership, January 1994 entitled ‘To OBE or Not to OBE’ the following: ‘Finally, raise the real issue and depend on democracy. Don't let ‘to OBE or Not to OBE’ or ‘to implement or not implement efforts to improve student learning’ cloud the overdue national debate about whether public education should exist or be replaced with publicly funded private education.’Ledell is obviously looking forward to federally-funded charter schools with no accountability to the taxpayers (taxation without representation.)

Subject: Progressive Education vs. Traditional Education
EXCERPT FROM Berit Kjos's report:                                            

(National Education Association)
The Socialist Vision and Global Connections of the NEA

"...the 18th century socialists saw statism as the means to moral progress. "Man as sinful and depraved, was replaced by Man who was rational, benevolent and innately good. But the American form of limited government with its elaborate checks and balances had been created on the basis of the Calvinist distrust of human nature. The Calvinist didn't believe that power corrupts man, but that man corrupts power....
      "To explain why man does the evil things he does, they turned from theology to psychology....
       "The primary promoter of the "myth of moral progress" -- the evolution of a moral humanity -- was Georg Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). His dialectical process would liberate humanity from Biblical boundaries and replace our personal God with a humanist form of impersonal pantheism."[2] Sam Blumenfeld, page 14-15.

"Beginning at the turn of the century (1900 AD), a new and sinister influence, slowly and insidiously at first but nonetheless unmistakably and with gradually increasing force, altered this basic concept most radically. The one individual most responsible for this change was the brilliant philosopher, Dr. John Dewey, who taught at the University of Chicago and later at Columbia University. The basic tenets of his credo were and are those upon which progressive education was founded and is continuing full blast today. A quotation from “My Pedagogic Creed,” written by John Dewey in 1897, would indicate that, even at that early date, his ideas on education were radically opposed to those then current in the field of education:
  • “The only true education comes through the stimulation of the child’s powers by the demands of the social situation in which he finds himself. Through these demands, he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his original narrowness of action and feeling, and to conceive of himself from the standpoint of the welfare of the group to which he belongs....
  • We violate the child’s nature and render difficult the best ethical results by introducing the child too abruptly to a number of special studies, of reading, writing, geography, etc., out of relation to this social life.
  • “The true center of correlation on the school subjects is not science, nor literature, nor history, nor geography, but the child’s own social activities....
"Thus, even at this early period in his teaching experience, John Dewey emphasized the predominance of the group over the individual. To be sure, Professor Dewey may have borrowed from some of the muddled naturalism of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778); and he may have been influenced a bit by the teachings and practice of the Swiss pedagogue Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827); but the particular brand he placed upon philosophy was his own...."[4] Lewis A. Alesen, M,D., Mental Robots, page 59.

"John Dewey believed and taught ... that all of man’s experiences, in an attempt to understand and to alter his environment, are continuing and variable, and therefore not subject to interpretation by any fixed or basic principles. John Dewey rejected the concept of God and denied the existence of immutable truth in any field. He contended that what seems to be truth today may, by altering circumstances, be entirely wrong tomorrow. He instead that truth or “warranted assertability” is always relative, because time and circumstance may change its value.
      "As a philosophy, these concepts are not particularly new in the world’s history. The Greeks debated them long before Christ, but as the fundamental structure upon which to erect vast changes in our entire educational system, they are indeed unique. Since, in terms of this philosophy, the chief end in life is the achievement of happiness by adjusting oneself to it... and, since there are no fixed rules or basic truths of any value whatsoever, the growing child is taught, day by day, that it is more important to get along with his fellows, that is, the group, and to adjust himself to his environment, than it is to develop himself in any particular skills.
"Thus he is encouraged to deny and reject responsibility for himself from the very day he enters kindergarten all through his academic course, and to transfer that responsibility to the group. ...
       "Since, in this view, there is no such entity as absolute truth, no possibility of immutable physical, mathematics, or moral law, the progressive educator sees no use in wasting the students time in studying history, because, of course, what other men have done and thought in the past is not of any particular value, as the circumstances under which they lived were entirely different from those facing the student and citizen today. Likewise, there is no point to the study of mathematics under this philosophy, which denies the existence of basic truths....
       "Discipline has been thrown out of the window lest it do something horrendous to the psyche of the growing child. Competition is rejected and , for the same reason, 'controversial subjects' are avoided."[4] Alesen, Mental Robots, page 60.
"Dewey rejected the old American concepts that there are fixed moral laws and eternal truths. He rejected God, holding that man has no soul: that man is merely a biological organism subject to the changes and adaptations required by his environment. ... The kind of education Dewey recommended was conceived to develop men and women into faceless factors in a controlled and leveled-down mass of humanity....
       "Deweyism is a combination of socialist political theory and a modern psychology. The nearest that Dewey himself ever came to express, in direct terms, his philosophy of education can be found in his book, My Pedagogic Creed (published in 1897)."[5] The Dan Smoot Report.