The following UNESCO article published in 1977 confirms the fact that the United States education system has become a socialist education system, marching in tandem with all socialist/communist nations :
DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE STUDIES: Division of Structures, Content, Methods and Techniques of Education was published and distributed by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO: Paris: ED–77/WS/133:English Edition) in November of 1977. The author is including excerpts from the “Section onMethods, Materials and Techniques” so that the reader will see how America 2000/Goals 2000 restructuring is identical to education in the former Eastern European communist countries. The reader must also remember that American education is under the direction of UNESCO due to our membership in the United Nations. Excerpts follow:
The development of educational technology in the Central and Eastern European countries, as commissioned by the UNESCO Secretariat, is summarized on the basis of the oral and written information supplied by the countries having attended the Budapest International Seminar on Educational Technology in 1976. The countries involved are as follows: People’s Republic of Bulgaria, Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia, Republic of Finland, Republic of Greece, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, People’s Republic of Poland, People’s Republic of Hungary, German Democratic Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Data were also supplied by the Socialist Republic of Rumania which could not participate in the Seminar.[Ed. Note: A flow chart on page 11 of the study includes under “Factors Influencing the Introduction of Educational Technology” all the components found in American educational restructuring as follows: Adequate Curricula; System of Objectives; Systems of Means of Assessment; Media System; Ensuring Appropriate Facilities (school building, hardware, media); Adequately Trained Teachers (basic training, in-service/further training/information); Research and Development; and International Cooperation.]
The factors exercising a decisive influence on the present standards of the application
of educational technology and the strategies and rate of its further spread in the countries listed above are as follows:
a. the overwhelming majority of the countries represented (8 out of 10) are socialist states;
b. except for the Soviet Union and Finland, the nations concerned can be classified into the category of fairly developed countries from the technological point of view.
On the basis of the above factors some of the specific characteristics of the development of educational technology will be underlined. It follows from the essence of the socialist structure of the state in the countries concerned, except Finland and Greece, that their educational system is centralized. This creates an extremely favourable situation for central state measures designed to modernize education. The socialist state possesses the means necessary for education... for the widespread use of methodology based on solid technological foundations and of the media and means of educational technology.... In a situation in which millions of students learn and hundreds of thousands of educationalists teach, on the basis of unified curricula, decisions involving the development of the method to be adopted in education and of the media and aids of educational technology call for very thorough preparatory work.…
The socialist countries also have a substantial advantage from the aspect of the development of educational technology because the training and in-service training of teachers rest on a uniform basis. In addition, curricula are uniform in the individual countries and for the different types of schools harmony between the curricular activities and the development of educational technology can be therefore established comparatively easily.