1989 Governors Conference-Shirley McCune
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Governors Conference on Education, Wichita, KS 11-2-1989 "Schools, Goals & the 1990s" In addition to her credentials as an authority in public education (she was Asst Supt of Public Instruction in Washington State), Shirley McCune co-authored "The Light Shall Set You Free," a book on New Age spirituality to pass on the Universal Laws of the Ascended Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. Her book teaches that mastery of their precepts allows an individual entry into the "Fifth Dimension". Enlightened individuals will collaboratively building [sic] the Seventh Golden Age of the Earth.
I wrote about Shirley McCune in my book the deliberate dumbing down of america:
THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FUNDED TWO IMPORTANT PROJECTS IN 1983: 1) “Framing a Future for Education” for Kansas; and 2) “Strategic Planning and Furthering Excellence in Millard Public Schools” for Nebraska, both of which were assigned to Dr. Shirley McCune of the MidContinent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL) as project director. These
two projects, based on the work of the New Age Naisbitt Group founded by John Naisbitt
who authored Megatrends, served as national pilots for OBE restructuring of America from a
“representative democracy” to a “participatory democracy—moving from a left versus right
politics to a politics of the radical center,” in Dr. McCune’s words. McCune became famous
(or infamous) during the National Governors’ Association conference in Wichita, Kansas in
1989 when she said:
What we’re into is the total restructuring of society. What is happening in America today and what is happening in Kansas and the Great Plains is not simply a chance situation in the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of society.... Our total society is in a crisis of restructuring and you can’t get away from it. You can’t go into rural areas, you can’t go into the churches, you can’t go into government or into business and hide from the fact that what we are facing is the total restructuring of our society.
[Ed. Note: In the 1996 entry regarding McCune’s book, The Light Shall Set You Free (Athena Publishing, Alpha Connections: Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1996 ), McCune expressed her belief that “each individual is a co-creator with the Divine.”] (p. 194)
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IN 1989 SHIRLEY MCCUNE, SENIOR DIRECTOR OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-funded MidContinent Regional Educational Laboratory (McREL), told the teachers in South Kitsap, Washington: “The school of the future must be far different than that of today to meet the changing needs of society.” The following excerpts are taken from an article entitled “Schools of the Future” which was published in the Bremerton [Washington] Sun on October 14th:
When you walk in the building, there’s a row of offices. In one are drug counselors. One is for social security. Another, family and child psychologists. Yet another has a doctor and nurse who do well-child exams.
In the cafeteria, senior citizens mingle with students having lunch. Oldsters and youngsters are sometimes paired for school projects, like oral history.
There’s a child-care center, and tied into it are classes for teenagers where they learn the importance of child-nurturing skills.
In the gym, homemakers are taking exercise classes. After work, more men and women will show up for their fitness workout.
These are “community learning centers, not just schools.” “Schools are no longer in the schooling business” but rather in “human resource development,” she said.
Dr. McCune was in South Kitsap to talk about something everyone’s hearing a lot about these days—”restructuring” schools. Her speech kicked off a full day of teacher training. Across the state, most teachers were taking part in local or state-sponsored training.
In South Kitsap, workshop choices reflected the wave of the future Dr. McCune described. They dealt with topics such as celebrating differences in learning styles, using whole language approach, using cooperative learning, and integrating technology with curriculum. (p. 263)
For more information, read Berit Kjos's article, " Twisting Truth through Classroom Consensus," http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/TwistingTruth.html