Friday, March 6, 2015

Sen. Bob Casey's Universal Pre-Kindergarten

No Way, ESEA!

Pre-script - see page 3 for White Rat, Required Baby Conditioning

SENATOR BOB CASEY (D PA) pushes his "Federal Template" for Universal Pre-K to be attached as an Amendment to the Reauthorization of ESEA, No Child Left Behind (Source: )

NO, SENATOR CASEY! Pennsylvania parents are not going to allow you to duplicate the violations of privacy, Civil Rights, and federal law and push those violations onto other states. Leave our babies alone. We are requesting that the United States Department of Education General Counsel review these alleged violations and investigate these violations, now. 

SENATOR CASEY, why does your bill coordinate with H.R. 5 and Senator Alexander's Reauthorization of ESEA to extend education into the affective domain (social, emotional, and behavioral standards) for our babies? Your bill violates the Civil Rights of our families and children. Your bill violates privacy. Your bill violates the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, PPRA. Your bill violates Pennsylvania State Policy Basic Education Circular 8-90. 

Your March 4, 2015 Press Release noted:
"Additionally, as Congress moves toward a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Casey unveiled new legislation, the Continuum of Learning Act, which could be offered as an amendment and would strengthen coordination and alignment between early childhood programs and elementary schools. As universal pre-k advances in states like Oklahoma and New York, Caseys bill is set to serve a federal model."

Senator Casey's Prepare All Kids Act will:

"Ensure high quality learning by requiring prekindergarten programs to utilize a research-based curriculum that supports childrens cognitive, social, emotional and physical development and individual learning styles."

Senator Casey's Continuum of Learning Act:

"Asks states to review and revise their early learning guidelines for birth-to-kindergarten and their K-3 standards to ensure that standards address not only the academic content areas but also the areas of social and emotional development, physical and health development, and approaches to learning that make academic achievement more likely (based on a recommendation of the National Research Council 2008 report)" (Emphasis added)
"Further encourages professional development of teachers in community early childhood education settings and in school settings, including joint professional development, and provides professional development to elementary school principals and other administrators in child development and appropriate teaching practices (currently an allowable but under-utilized use of ESEA funds)"

Pennsylvania is a leader in the implementation of non-academic psychological interventions and assessment in the affective domain. Pennsylvania is a leader in the data collection, creating a unique national ID given to every student since 2007, for the transformation of a "birth to workplace" database that monitors individuals, implemented through grants from the IES/ National Center for Education Statistics. The Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) integrated Pre-K into the data collection system in grants totaling over $24+ million dollars. (Source: ) PIMS is already collecting data on babies in Head Start, Keystone Stars, and Pre-K Counts. All of the above statements violate the protection of our children and our families.

Senator Alexander's Reauthorization legislation (Source: in detail what type of individual personally identifiable information [See pp 20, 22 clause (ii)] on our babies and our children that would be collected and entered into the IES federal data base. (pp 150-151, 374) These interventions are "universal" treatment for ALL CHILDREN. (See the Three Tiered Approach for Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports pictured below.) These identifications and interventions are subjective and anecdotal judgments called Positive Behavior Interventions and Support, Response to Interventions, Specialized Student Instructional Support and remediation through IDEA, Individuals With Disabilities Education Act.(See page 80, children "at-risk of failing...state academics preschool through grade 2 shall be selected solely on the basis of such criteria as teacher judgement...") [See pp 113, 121, 138, 140, 194-195, 213, 223, and page 353, scientifically valid research defined in Head Start (Pyramid Model, see below)]

Pages 353 and 354 define "scientifically" defined research called Specialized Student Instructional Support Personnel: (also defined in HR 5, page 496)



(A) SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL.—The term ‘specialized instructional support personnelmeans school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and other qualified professional personnel involved in providing assessment, diagnosis, counseling, educational, therapeutic, and other necessary services (including related services as that term is defined in section 602 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) as part of a comprehensive program to meet student needs.

(B) SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES.—The term ‘specialized instructional support servicesmeans the services provided by specialized instructional support personnel.

Since Pennsylvania is a federal template for psychological social, emotional, and behavioral conditioning and remediation/treatment in the affective domain (attitudes, values, beliefs, and dispositions) I have included an activity from the Pennsylvania PATTAN, Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, that trains our teachers how to implement treatment for babies in the Functioning Behavioral Assessment: (Source: Functional Behavioral Assessment: p.27) 
(Notice that this exercise is a brazen reference to the behaviorist John B. Watson's
horrific experiments with baby Albert and the rat! Read more HERE.)
 Teacher Anecdotal Judgement - Re-Training in the Affective Domain 

Three Tiered Approach to Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports &  Vanderbilt's  Pyramid Model of Interventions of Social & Emotional Behavior
SENATOR CASEY, Pennsylvania is in violation of federal laws, state laws, Civil Rights, and privacy. But yet, you want Pennsylvania to be a federal template for ALL OTHER STATES? Former Governor Corbett expunged the non-academic psychological standards called Interpersonal Skills Standards from the Pennsylvania SAS, Standards Aligned System portal because of these violations. Are you trying to make what Pennsylvania is doing legal, knowing that what they are currently doing is illegal? Parents say, "No!"

These types of reeducation of students require remediation of teachers. Teachers must be re-educated to implement these behavioral interventions EXACTLY AS THEY HAVE BEEN TAUGHT AND EXACTLY AS THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD TO IMPLEMENT AND DOCUMENT INTO THE FEDERAL DATA BASE.

SENATOR CASEY, the following documentation is the  definition of the "scientific valid research" called fidelity:
"Delivering an intervention with FIDELITY means delivering it EXACTLY the way it was designed and in the way it was implemented during research studies that have validated its effectiveness. Important components of fidelity include: content, dosage/schedule, and group size." (Emphasis added)(Source: Data Based Individualization, Intensive Interventions;;  pp. 3-6; Vanderbilt's Pyramid Model of Social & Emotional Development

SENATOR CASEY, Pennsylvania parents refuse to continue to allow these violations to continue on our children and on our babies. Senator Alexander's Reauthorization of ESEA, and your amendment for Universal Pre-K education and interventions in the affective domain MUST BE STOPPED. 

STOP violating our children and families' Civil Rights and privacy.

STOP the Reauthorization of ESEA.  

STOP your Universal Pre-K. 

Pennsylvania's Intervention "Federal Template" For All States
Documentation of Teacher Interventions and Treatment in the Affective Domain
Source: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports PBIS: Overview of waiver principles, Implementation Blueprint:
Source: Response to Intervention: 
Source: Training: 
Source: Behavioral Observation of Students in School, BOSS, Pearson: User Guide, Lehigh University: 
Source: RTI: implementation Guide: 
Source: Penn Resiliency Program, aligned to the Interpersonal Skills; Linked: 
Source: State Implementation Plan Part C: Data Collection on Infants and Toddlers; Office of Child Development in Early Learning: 
Pages 23-26-Social and Emotional Learning; Ounce Assessment, (infant) Pearson
Source: Philadelphia Kindergarten Entry Inventory; 
Source: How to Enter Student Data; 
Source: Kindergarten Entry Inventory Manual;

For further reading, see previous blog posts that provide more information about the topics discussed above: