Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Iserbyt/Rense Interview 4/15/15 (midnight est- 1 a.m. est)

Jeff Rense of "NO WAY ESEA" fame will interview Charlotte Iserbyt Wednesday, April 15, midnight est-one a.m. est.

Charlotte will call on grassroots to once again kill any attempt at Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.   Now that a bi-partisan agreement has been reached we are watching for a new bill to emerge and get rushed to a vote. 

Grassroots response to the blog's call in January and February made such a huge difference! You stalled passage; gave us all time to regroup in our efforts to stop this lifelong control legislation.

Charlotte will also discuss the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) developed by the Office of Educational Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris. PISA questions contain academic dumbdown test items, activities, and brainwashing methods focussing on math and science, UN Agenda 21, etc. The assessment is geared towards development of a global work force (limited learning for lifelong labor) to spin off profits for the global elite. 

Additionally, she will discuss the communist Finnish education system, the preferred model for U.S. education restructuring which reflects much of the curriculum and methods found in the PISA.  Be sure to read Mari Caplan's excellent post related to the Finnish system: