Listen to Charlotte's RENSE RADIO Interview last night:
The latest information about the ESEA Reauthorization is discussed in detail in this interview.
This radio interview covers topics included the posts that have been put up during the month of MARCH. Click on the "March" under the "Blog Archive" on the right side of this blog. Up will come a long list of posts, averaging about 2 per day, for the month of March. These posts, which comes from our nation's true grassroots, include the following:
- A retired superintendent speaks out about OPT OUT and databanking
- A current school teachers urges parents to OPT OUT
- Grassroots parents and citizens have written posts about current events and history
- Alerts by Anita Hoge about the dangers of HR 5 and the need for parents to OPT OUT
- Alerts about Common Core
- Important historical background about the education reform agenda
- Compromises and sellouts by national groups like the John Birch Society
- Sydney Smoot, an outspoken and courageous student who speaks out against Common Core on a YouTube video that has gone viral and now has over 700,000 hits