Stick this on your fridge and read it the next time you go to the polls.
Obama Administration Reveals GOP Leaders' Betrayal on Common Core in Ed Bill
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (photo credit: Center for American Progress via Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0)
Excerpt (All emphasis added in this post by ed.):
"In Duncan’s own words, speaking of Alexander and Kline:
'We had many, many conversations behind the scenes . . . . And I said for us to support it, they’d have to shed their far, far right [i.e., constituents who support the Constitution and oppose Common Core] . . . . I honestly didn’t know if they’d have the political courage to do that. But they both said they would and they did. I give them tremendous credit for that.'
'About a month before [final Senate passage of the bill], I ran into Speaker [Paul] Ryan and we just talked briefly. I asked if he was going to back this, whether he’s willing to take on the far right. I just asked him straight up. And he said, “Absolutely. We’re going to back this.” And, he did. That’s when I thought it had a real shot.'
Here is where Duncan describes the tactics of the Republican betrayal:
'We were intentionally quiet on the bill – they asked us specifically not to praise it – and to let it get through. And so we went into radio silence and then talked about it after the fact. . . . Our goal was to get this bill passed – intentionally silent on the many, many good aspects of the bill . . . [W]e were very strategically quiet on good stuff . . . .' "
Ed Note:
Had McGroarty's and all the other neoconservative groups focusing single-mindedly on killing Common Core (diversion from effort to kill tax-funded school choice) joined with grassroots opposition, which focused exclusively on killing tax-funded school choice proposals, this USA freedom-killing catastrophe would NOT have happened.
abcsofdumbdown knew that all schools receiving tax money (including charters, private, religious and homeschool) would have to conform their curriculum and assessment to Communist Core standards and all the other values/freedom-destroying requirements now found in publicly-funded education.
Neocons should be pleased they at least got their tax-funded school choice agenda (necessary for Soviet workforce training) included in the bill they claim to detest.
On Communist Core they may appear to have won their battle to defeat it, but it is hidden away in the 1000 plus-pages... if they care to look.
Read this for neoconservative position on ESEA/ESSA 3 Conservative Victories From K-12 Education Overhaul - The Conservative Reform Network. Click on following link within ABCS post for the truth:
By on
And here he recounts his interaction with Ryan:
"About a month before [final Senate passage of the bill], I ran into Speaker [Paul] Ryan and we just talked briefly. I asked if he was going to back this, whether he’s willing to take on the far right. I just asked him straight up. And he said, “Absolutely. We’re going to back this.” And, he did. That’s when I thought it had a real shot."
Here is where Duncan describes the tactics of the Republican betrayal:
"We were intentionally quiet on the bill – they asked us specifically not to praise it – and to let it get through. And so we went into radio silence and then talked about it after the fact. . . . Our goal was to get this bill passed – intentionally silent on the many, many good aspects of the bill . . . [W]e were very strategically quiet on good stuff . . . ."
And then Duncan took a victory lap:
"The final thing is we have every ability to implement, to regulate the law . . . it’s just a Washington typical storyline. . . . And candidly, our lawyers are much smarter than many of the folks who were working on this bill. There are some face-saving things you give up, some talking points you give up, which we always do because we’re focused on substance. And we have every ability to implement. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.
Ever the savvy bureaucrat, Duncan realizes that implementation is often more important than statutory language — and he’s been given language that he can run with, all the way to progressive Utopia.
Duncan brags that his people outsmarted the Republicans working on the bill, which is certainly easy to believe. But maybe it was more than stupidity on their part — maybe the card-carrying members of the education establishment such as Lamar Alexander really agree with the leftists and have really bought into their dangerous philosophies.
But either way, these revelations should end the pathetic charade that Congress just restored states’ autonomy in education. Members of Congress can stop sending out mendacious press statements bragging about how they wrenched back power from Obama and Duncan. The only acceptable statements from them should be along the lines of, “I’m sorry, and I choose not to run for re-election.”
And as for Alexander, Kline, and Ryan — they have simply betrayed their constituents, especially the last few who actually believed any integrity remained in the Republican establishment. Remind us again why we need a Republican Party. Has it not gone the way of the Whigs?
Related links:
Communism: Are We There Yet? Read This And YOU Decide
HUD: A Communist Neighborhood For You
Is This Tomorrow? America Under Communism
Is Common Core Really Gone?
The Country That Saved Itself
History Of America's Sell Out (1946-2015)...
(ESEA/ESSA) Letter From Senator William T. Ligon, Jr. To Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
The "Hidden Hand" Behind The Deadly Esea Curtain
The Selling of the American Family
Open Letter To Senator Mike Lee, Utah

Related links:
Communism: Are We There Yet? Read This And YOU Decide
HUD: A Communist Neighborhood For You
Is This Tomorrow? America Under Communism
Is Common Core Really Gone?
The Country That Saved Itself
History Of America's Sell Out (1946-2015)...
(ESEA/ESSA) Letter From Senator William T. Ligon, Jr. To Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
The "Hidden Hand" Behind The Deadly Esea Curtain
The Selling of the American Family
Open Letter To Senator Mike Lee, Utah