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"Can the ... leopard change his spots?"
(Jeremiah 13:23) |
In 1982 this is what Chester Finn had to say about dangers of school choice:
Short of scattering money in the streets or handing it out to everyone who wants some, the funding agency must define eligible recipients.... This means, in a word, “regulation,” the inevitable concommitant of public financial support."Regulation," I believe, means CONTROL. Please read entire entry in the deliberate dumbing down of america, page 184:
CHESTER FINN WROTE “PUBLIC SERVICE, PUBLIC SUPPORT, PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY” FOR the March 1982 issue of the National Association of Secondary School Principals’ Bulletin. Finn became a high profile figure in education circles with his appointment as assistant secretary, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, by Secretary of Education William Bennett. Finn’s article was quoted in Barbara Morris’s book, Tuition Tax Credits: A Responsible Appraisal (The Barbara Morris Report: Upland, Cal., 1983):
Short of scattering money in the streets or handing it out to everyone who wants some, the funding agency must define eligible recipients.... This means, in a word, “regulation,” the inevitable concommitant of public financial support.Finn also believed the government is obligated to recognize that the private schools it helps support are different from public schools—that it is this “differentness” that makes them supportable. The other side of the coin, he says, is the obligation of private schools
to recognize certain limits to their differentness and certain ways they must conform to the norms and expectations of a society that values and supports them....
Some, to be sure, like to think they can have it both ways; i.e., can obtain aid without saddling themselves with unacceptable forms of regulation. But most acknowledge the general applicability of the old adage that he who pays the piper calls the tune, and are more or less resigned to amalgamating or choosing between assistance and autonomy. [bold added]